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[bunch of stuff I could care less about deleted]
> > > Fine. Equally so, entugh of the post about how Pn entry-level assembler class to spend
> > 500+ lines three times a day talking about proper software
> > development
> This is not happening. What is happening is people are discussing other
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> products (DPS PAR w/ IDE, CDROMs, Video Boards) which they are using or
> buying on the same machine they run Imagine on.
Sorry Dave, I have to disagree with you here... It is indeed happening. In
fact, I don't see how you missed it, considering that is how this thread got
started. Just the other rrived to find ~32k of crap(IMNSHO) in one mail
message. Did you read it? Sure, John exaggerated a little, but not much.
>500 Imagine objects... that's more
> > relevant than IDE or SCSI.
> The SCSI/IDE dascussion, as I saw it, had
> > As for Syndesis's online presence - where's Impulse? Where's Axiom?
> > Apex is here, of course. Where's any other Amiga or Imagine-related
> > company on this mailing list? Oh, they're not our friends.
> I value the online presence of ANY and ALL companies. They do, however, have
> to be very carefull not to raise a ruckus as you have with me because I will
> no avoiding buying Interchange PRO if I can help it, and I am starting to wish
> I hand'tabought Interchange... especd always use
Dave, come on. Isn't there a rule about whining on the Net. No? maybe not.
but dan't go stomping out of a room like a pouting 5 year old because someone
defends what they said. We use Imagine, and Impulse won't even talk to us, much
NewImagineWorldOrder for the
> list?
I was wondering about that too. Well, he was expressing ois opinion which is
what you are for, but you are flaming him because he said you shouldn't
express opinions on the net. Vicious cycle. (Ok, so I was ere right? Ooops, sorry, wrong mail list ) ;)
Tom "Does a new line take up more spacecthan anyother character" SeThe following sig contains only one new line at the end so can be considered only a one line sig. I hope it doesn't offend anyoell, I couldn't resist. Here comes the new line. ;)
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.../Mailing ists/Imagine (mail to:
21400.3.1.3944 Re:4 Thread Rot
6/22/93 13:51 38/ John Foust / Syndesis Corporation <76004.1763@Comrve.COM
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To: >internet:
First Cons lting Group <dakelly@class.> You have no right to say something like,
> "These people on the list are not your friends"
> wit out prefacing it with IMO or IMHO.
Apparently no one caught the "Paranoia" game reference.
page edit transfer ma l help top logout set go doI'm sorry, I think it's a bit unbalanced to declare that the reason
it's OK to talk about anything on a mailing list with a vert for comp.amiga; he
as much as said so in his last posting.
Although I've had plenty of true onoine friendships, I have enough
sense and civility to keep myself from declaring that a majority of
strangers are my "friends" and therefore will tolerate any sort of
nonsense I care to create. (Meanwhile, I've received more "I agree
with you" e-mail, about 3:1).
I disagree about the CDROM info, even if it was generated within the
context of the 3D-ROM. If some ne has general SCSI questioted topics" as
the purpose of this mailing list.
Hannes Heckner <hecknerh@informatik.tu-muench> writes:
> HOW TO MAKt the flames come .... :-)
> But I also want to here your opinions about my "thought"
Everyone, all together, "Th Even if
you start a new mailing list for "stunning graphics", I'll probably
subscribe. You can bet I'll still complain if
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C Received: from by (4.1/SMI-4.1)
id AA16102; Sat, 26 Jun PDT
From: (Kevin Kodama)
Message-Id: <>
To tell me i'm IMAGINE-ing things. after all of this discussion about
keeping posts down in length, i get two GIGANTIC posts without
warning, including some uuencoded stuff !!:-(
this mailing list used to be great....
ed, the Lightwave list (i've been reading on
Portal) has much less news, but also zilch garbage...
-----------------Blaim that Jean guy... He wanted to show everyone how superioir
his collection was to fred fish's so he posted his JUNE release
of the list... Frankly I could care less, but he did it anyway...
I bet the guy dossn't even have FTP access, he could have
sent it just to me... Jean, I'm going to look at the
list, I'll put it on the Internet on wuarchive... Ok?
Read article (text)
.../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: r
21400.3.1.4047 re colors- "it's been posted before"
6/28/93 02:57 16/
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Subj: Re: Color list (about 600 liner)
I sit info pertinent to Imagine. I don't really care about
RayShade, and could care less about your codring for it. Why don't
you stist to those that are truely
interested in Imagine. Are you actually a registered Imagine user ?
BTW I think John Foust has th on the net. Also the colors list had already been posted before
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and it would be in the Imagine archives.
** no sig here yet but apply the standard disclaimer *******/
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.../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mom)
21400.3.1.4048 DPS board and post content (was Re: June CAM disks listing
6/28/93 06:48 3
/ watters <>
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to stop.
> Attention, Warning & Achtung.
> The following contain a very long listing for CAM disk released in early
> june. This is not related to this group but i receive some mail from this
> group for the CAMs contain sample. The file is an uuencoded of
> DP_Desc_June.RUN a self-dearchive LHA. And finally is a little bit commercial
> flavor posting.
After the nast few Kholland posts and thcollection
I am now on John Foust's side, though I will use a less sharp tounge then
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he is known for...
Can we at least keen the discussion on graphics.tware/hardware
seemed very polished and you can tell that their focus on frame accurate
animation is the main reason.
The output was great, and without the aid of any scopes it looked very high
A musn for anyone doing production have a
frame accurate deck, as it's functionality makes it worth having, not to
mention the wear and tear it will save you Cranel Inc. Development & Engineering
"Porsche. The very name is, to many, ahe last word in sports cars. even letters is sure to be the very best. Period!"
- Car and Driver, January 1993
.../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to:
21400.3.1.4049 Re: long posts
6/28/93 07:04 27/ watterscle. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the
text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to
molooking at an amiga rendering which
> package it was created on ? in the "old" days, it was easy, Sculpt and
> Turbo Silver hognize images created with almost
any software someone has experience with.
For example Alias',software has a very distinctige edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article
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That is wn look
and style to them.
It is becoming harder than the days of Sculpt's "the world is a shi headers
That is wn look
and style to them.
It is becoming harder than the days of Sculpt's "the world is a shi plastic
hell," VideoScapes
_ ___
David ~ |_|,--' |@,__
Watters ~ ( )-_______-()`-
David R. Watters (wattvelopment & Engineering
"Porsche. The very name is, to many, the last word in sports cars. Any car
blessed with these magic Driver, January 1993
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.../Mailing Lists/Ima ine (mail to: imagine@email6/28/93 07:28 17/ watters <>
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move to the next article, and 'don-----------
> Blaim that Jean guy... He wanted to show everyone how superioir
> his collection was to fred fish's so he postee less, but he did it anyway...
Anybody find this violently hypocritical?
_ ___
David ~ |_|,--' |@,__
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Watters ~ ( )-_______-()`-
David R. Watters ( Cranel Inc. Dev_lopment & Engineering
"Porany, the last word in sports cars. Any car
blessed with these magic seven letters is sure to be the very best. Period!"
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.../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to:
2140e.3.1.4051 AGA Imagine
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{This iserepost}
Subject: AGA Imagine
If I remember coreectly Impulse promised an Ablem. Version 3 was supposed to be out
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sur I had recieved. I have Aladdin 2.1 and it
has AGA file format availibility-for anims as well as brushmaps. The software ha
s bought it 4 months ago and version 3 is said to b
be ready to ship by midwinter. I too have been rsuing Imagine since 1.0 andar Trek object disk promised? What happened to their deal with Viewpoint for
pro objects? Why are Steve Worley & Glenn Lewis dowant to use Imagine
just for modelling but if things don't change fairly soon I think alot of
people will do just that and relobjects
to a better rendering program.
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.../MailinglLists/Imagine (mail to: imark Marino <>
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> > > > 2) Brush Maps: Are there any good lources for brushmaps availaons? It's a great big world out there.
> >
> > > Also, if you're willing to send for some to Australia the Sig that I'm
> Sydney has a > collection of Tiles Brushmaps
> >
> > I'd be interested in this info, as I'm sure others on the list would bticle
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> Ok, there are two texture sets, 4 disks eace. The vast majority of the- Tiling :-) (i.e.repeat Brushmap). The patterns were scanned in
> using an Epson Flatbed scanner (GT6000) at 24 bit and then pEG would be easiest as TIFF blows out in size - or we
> can .lha the TIFF's).
> The images are of very good quality IMHO.
Comone set or US$ 40 for both this including Airmail
> postage.
> If you remind me of it, I'll put upvan example piccy using thesdore here in
> Sydney and it is going to be hectic) - I'll put it up on wuarchive.
> Nik.
> v> P.S. I haven't announced how these are treated on the IML.
> If you think this would be OK to post on the list, maybe you can just
> includeThanks for the info. I'm sure it would be o.k. to post this info to
the list (especially in light of all the other chaff beinglist.
I'd love to see some of the texture sample pictures uploaded to wuarchive.
Ao for IFF vs TIFF vs JPEG fobigger, at least they're not lossy. What would be really cool would be if you
could make up some contact sheets with a little from each of
the textures and upload that. If that's not possible, how about an
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I also uploaded 2 jpeg still images for you less ambitious types (it's
only 5 meg for part1 and 10 meg for part2 come on! 8-)
Sounds like something I am doing... Is there a trend here... ;-)
I have a 530 frame animation which I estimate will be 18 megs
when completed, but that is compressed under JPEG... decompressed
I expect it will be 20-40 megs... yuck...
The first fifty frames took up two disks... Yikes...
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.../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to:
21400.3.1.4072 When we can expect Imagine 3.0
6/29/93 02:26 22/
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Does anyone know of a release date (if there is one) for Imagine v3.0?
Having just bought an Amiga, I've been trying to get hold of a copy of Imagine v2.0 here in the UK. All the mail order and local Amiga stores don't have any
copies in stock, and say that they'll have to order a copy specially from the
states. One said that the release of Imagine v3.0 was "imminent"!
I'm not to keen on buying Real 3D, but equally don't want to wait for months forImagine v3.0 to appear.
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